Description Odour, slightly aromatic; taste, slightly sour and astringent.
Macroscopical Entire fruit, sudspherical, wrinkle, arout1.3 to 2 cm in diameter, often dehiscent; fruit puip dark brown, hard ,globular, acutely hexangular; testa brown; seed brown, bonoy, trigonous
(Fig. 1a).
Microscopical Transverse section of the fruit pulp shows a layer of epicarp. Parenchyma, thin-walled ground tissue, containing prismatic crystals in some cells. Sclereid, lignified, occurring in 3 forms: rectangular sclereid, occurring in groups of a large number of cells near epicarp, containing water-ssoluble grey masses; spherical sclereid, occurring as sinlg cell or in small groups of 2 to 10 cells; fibrous sclereid, occurring in bundles, of 2 to 5 cells. Vascular bundle,composed of fibres and spirel vessels. Tannin granules, found in parenchyma, more often in the inner layer than in the outer layer (Fig 2a)